Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de suck

to suckchupar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I suckyo chupo
you sucktú chupas
he sucksél chupa
she sucksella chupa
we sucknosotros chupamos
you suckvosotros chupáis
they suckellos chupan
they suckellas chupan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I suckedyo chupé
you suckedtú chupaste
he suckedél chupó
she suckedella chupó
we suckednosotros chupamos
you suckedvosotros chupasteis
they suckedellos chuparon
they suckedellas chuparon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have suckedyo he chupado
you have suckedtú has chupado
he has suckedél ha chupado
she has suckedella ha chupado
we have suckednosotros hemos chupado
you have suckedvosotros habéis chupado
they have suckedellos han chupado
they have suckedellas han chupado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had suckedyo había chupado
you had suckedtú habías chupado
he had suckedél había chupado
she had suckedella había chupado
we had suckednosotros habíamos chupado
you had suckedvosotros habíais chupado
they had suckedellos habían chupado
they had suckedellas habían chupado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will suckyo chuparé
you will sucktú chuparás
he will suckél chupará
she will suckella chupará
we will sucknosotros chuparemos
you will suckvosotros chuparéis
they will suckellos chuparán
they will suckellas chuparán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have suckedyo habré chupado
you will have suckedtú habrás chupado
he will have suckedél habrá chupado
she will have suckedella habrá chupado
we will have suckednosotros habremos chupado
you will have suckedvosotros habréis chupado
they will have suckedellos habrán chupado
they will have suckedellas habrán chupado

I would suckyo chuparía
you would sucktú chuparías
he would suckél chuparía
she would suckella chuparía
we would sucknosotros chuparíamos
you would suckvosotros chuparíais
they would suckellos chuparían
they would suckellas chuparían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have suckedyo habría chupado
you would have suckedtú habrías chupado
he would have suckedél habría chupado
she would have suckedella habría chupado
we would have suckednosotros habríamos chupado
you would have suckedvosotros habríais chupado
they would have suckedellos habrían chupado
they would have suckedellas habrían chupado

Participio presenteAnotado
sucking chupando

Participio pasadoAnotado
sucked chupado

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